Avis d'experts et d'utilisateurs par les clients de Hostpoco:
Running heavy site, large blog, high traffic site which requires high resources? Yes then you are at correct spot. Hostpoco understand's the importance of a fast speed loading website hence designed some cheaper and affordable web hosting solutions based on SSD Web Hosting. SSD hosting plans run on servers that store your data on solid-state drives. SSD hard drives are the late...
the service allow fast setup and easy to navigate which is very important for production teams. Also the pricing is worthy it for the features that comes with each product
I bought 2 years service from hostpoco. Service are often downtime or failure to access cpanel. When I contact processing is very slow. Suspend service but do not notify the reason.
Always try to communicate through support tickets for such cases. As we have multiple servers and we can switch you to another in case particular service is having issues. Also, there are multiple reasons for such cases, so best way to contact support
toi da xem tren cac trinh duyet va nhung nguoi gioi thieu ve hostpoco rat nhieu ,va nguoi dung thay hai long ve dich vu ,len toi muon dang ky dung ,mong quy anh chi giup do duyet don hanh cho toi ,de toi xay dung mot trang web nghe nhac nhieu bo ich...
HostAdvice.com fournit des critiques professionnels d'hébergement web totalement indépendantes de toute autre entité. Nos avis sont impartiaux, honnêtes, et les mêmes critères d'évaluations sont appliqués à toutes les sociétés examinées.
Bien qu'une compensation financière soit reçue de la part de quelques hébergeurs apparaissant sur le site, la rémunération de services et de produits n'influence en aucun cas le sens et les conclusions de nos avis. Celle-ci n'affecte pas non plus le classement de certains hébergeurs. Cette rémunération couvre les frais d'achats de compte, de tests et les droits d'auteur versés aux critiques.