Avis d'experts et d'utilisateurs par les clients de KnownSRV:
From the time it started until now, KnownSRV has quickly become a European hosting icon. With offices in both the UK and Croatia, this provider has made a name for itself as a reliable overseas hosting giant, drawing attention and trust from all over the world.
knownsrv is, in my opinion, the best web host right now, and I'm not exaggerating. I made a bad manipulation on my dedicated server and my site stopped working following that the customer support helped me to solve my problem and they assigned two IT specialists who took turns day and night. I've never seen this in my life, it's just amazing
What is the difference between a VPS KVM and a dedicated server?
VPS KVM refers to a partitioned virtual server created using KVM. (KVM is a virtualization technology that provides better security and performance than other virtualization methods.) On the other hand, a dedicated server is an entire physical server dedicated to one user.
Which one is cheaper, between a dedicated server and a virtual private server?
VPS hosting is typically cheaper than a dedicated server, making it an excellent option for those on a budget.
Is KnownSRV free or paid?
KnownSRV offers paid hosting services. However, it offers a 7-day money-back guarantee for the shared hosting and cloud VPS plans.
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