Avis d'experts et d'utilisateurs par les clients de MojoHost:
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I have been using MojoHost for over 7+ years, and have found their service to be top-notch. Their customer service is second to none. Their white-glove support goes above and beyond to help solve your problems. I use Mojohost for servers and CDN. I can't imagine using another server or CDN provider.
mojohost vend sa marchandise à des spammeurs & des hackers comme OVH depuis que j'ai souscrit je reçois du phishing qui vient de leurs serveurs & en analysant la source est ovh
What makes MojoHost different from other hosting providers?
MojoHost stands out with its high-performance hardware, including AMD Ryzen and EPYC processors, proprietary Poizen® Technology for digital rights protection, and the cost-effective MojoCloud suite that offers significant savings on data transfer compared to major cloud providers.
Is MojoHost suitable for streaming and content delivery websites?
Yes, MojoHost is particularly well-suited for streaming and content delivery websites. Their global CDN with 53 locations, EgressSaver feature, and high-bandwidth capabilities make them an excellent choice for media-heavy applications.
Is MojoHost suitable for beginners?
Yes, MojoHost is suitable for beginners. Their website provides extensive support to help new users get started. The user-friendly control panel and detailed guides make it easier for beginners to manage their hosting services, and their knowledgeable support team is always available to assist with any issues.
Does MojoHost offer a money-back guarantee?
Yes, MojoHost offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. They will provide a full refund if a customer is dissatisfied for any reason. This policy demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction and confidence in their services.
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