Avis d'experts et d'utilisateurs par les clients de Super Fast Host:
at Super Fast Host, we guarantee the fastest and fully managed web host, because we don't abuse the server, and never we overload the capacity of hosting in our robust clouds.
Our experts check all time the health of our serves and clouds.
Our support is dedicated, all time online.
We help clients with any tasks and are ready to explain every question or how to know.
Our ...
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Best Hosting Providers by HostAdvice Users
1 Best Overall
Garantie de remboursement de 30 jours sans risque
Hébergement Web tout-en-un avec support technique 24/7/365
SSL gratuit, Migration gratuite, Installateur de script automatique, Installation et sauvegardes WordPress en un clic
Superfasthost is a very user-friendly platform to build your own web site at a cheap price . I've called into customer support twice, and both times I was treated professionally, and courteously. Again, user-friendly ,great customer support, cheap prices and fast servers .
Super nice Very helpful!! Great people working for them. Every time I've had to phone technical support, the tech guys have been amazing. I dont think I will be using or recommending any other webhosting.
Best customer service agents I've ever spoken to. Got gold package from superfasthost . The setup was superfast and easy. They have always been patient and helpful during process . I trust them and feel they truly want me to get the problem solved.
Excellent customer service, easy website and online store set up. Staff are extremely helpful for technical information and renewals. They always explain things in simple terms. They get to the point and resolve any issues that comes up.
I very recommend super fast host, call support immediately, quick migration... Latency very gd' no hidden fees, I was surprised they dedicated for me a manager account' verry nice friendly support
HostAdvice.com fournit des critiques professionnels d'hébergement web totalement indépendantes de toute autre entité. Nos avis sont impartiaux, honnêtes, et les mêmes critères d'évaluations sont appliqués à toutes les sociétés examinées.
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