FatCow is owned by Endurance International Group (EIG), a publicly traded company that owns other hosting such as BlueHost and Hostgator.
Contact them via the live chat support on their website. You can also opt for more personalized help if you are currently on the FatCow WP Essential plan.
To transfer your domain to FatCow, follow the steps below:
– Go to Domains on your dashboard and click ‘import domain.’
– Then click ‘transfer registrar here.’
– You’ll be directed to a page to add your transfer authentication code and domain name.
– Click on transfer domain, and you’re all set.
Once done with the steps listed above, you’ll get a confirmation email. The transfer may take up to 7 days to be completed.
Tip: To get your domain authentication code, contact your current web host. Find more details about how to transfer your domain to FatCow here.
FatCow uses a custom control panel. You can access all the tools needed to build and maintain your website here. The UI has a clean and minimalistic design, although it looks quite conventional.
Yes! FatCow is a good hosting company and perfect for businesses and individuals looking for excellent performance at a low price. Asides from their outdated UI and limited features, everything else is excellent about the host.
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