Avis d'experts et d'utilisateurs par les clients de WPX Hosting:
CEO/Founder Terry Kyle: Totally fed up with the arrogant, broken old 'Bluegator' way of hosting, I built WPX Hosting to provide very high performance WordPress hosting & even faster support (we average 25 seconds on Live Chat, independently verified by LIve Chat Inc.Unlike most hosting companies, we also fix most of our customers' serious technical issues, fast and free, rather...
Absolutely. Faster loading time means excellent SEO. WPX is one of the most reliable and fastest WordPress hosting services, two times faster than other hosts. In simpler words, we can easily say that WPX is an SEO-friendly managed WordPress hosting.
Does WPX use cPanel or other admin platforms?
cPanel significantly slows the servers’ performance on which it is installed, and since WPX wants to offer lighting speed, they don’t use cPanel. Instead, WPX uses a custom-made hosting panel that’s more usable, navigable, and technically superior than the cPanel.
What do the WPX plans offer?
All three available WPX plans offer a custom CDN, unlimited site migrations, SSL certificate, staging area, daily backups, malware scanning and removal, DDoS protection, e-mail, and so much more.
Who should use WPX?
WPX is a hosting that’s perfect for every WordPress user who needs powerful web hosting for super speed and performance. It’s ideal for websites rich in high-resolution images and sites built using Divi themes.
Does WPX offer a money-back guarantee?
Yes, they do. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee. You have 30 days to decide whether you love their hosting. If you decide that WPX is not the best option for you, you can quickly get your money back in 30 days.
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